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Here are some comments:
“It’s not JUST about the music. You’re doing a little therapy, a little relationship counselling, a little spirituality, and a little joking here and there, which is important for the mix.”
–Phillip Cary, philosopher, Eastern University, and Teaching Company lecturer.
– Greetings! Just wanted to pass on that last night, I had the 3 psychologists from my office over for dinner. I had Elephant in the Dark playing in the back ground. I didn’t think of it to be honest, because its been in my CD player since I bought it, until one of them asked me about it because they enjoyed the music. It was a great conversation piece and they greatly enjoyed your talent! I love the CD!
– (My husband) and I did a road trip down to Indianapolis this weekend and it gave me a chance to play your cd for him. I’ve been playing it for myself and enjoying it immensely. We are both impressed with the instrumentation. The sounds and lyricism of the instruments are wonderful. I have always loved to hear harmonica, the violin accompaniment adds a wonderful plaintive quality, and the drums are a surprise, and somehow don’t manage to overwhelm. From your last cd I was delighted with your guitar playing and the range of kinds of music you can play. You are really accomplished. It’s all there once again. (My husband) was really surprised by the number of songs, all original. I love it. It’s hard to single out particular songs–Beauty, Gnostic Kingdom Blues of course is remarkable, Become yourself again. Each time I listen I hear something new, a phrase or an instrument. Bravo. A terrific cd. I have been studying the Gospel of Thomas for Lent, a logion to reflect on each day (I did the same last year for Lent too), but now when I get to logion #3 especially, I hear the music and I hear the rhymes. I have sent your cd off to friends and one to (my daughter). She already remarked that she likes your spirituality. She is the right person to be able to hear that dimension.
House Concerts
Jay is especially interested in appearing at House Concerts. It’s easy to host a House Concert, just invite friends and acquaintances over for an evening of music. Some hosts provide snacks and drinks, others invite guests to bring their own, some house concerts are preceded by pot luck dinners but they don’t have to be. Jay will bring CDs to sell, but there’s no need for a suggested donation within easy driving distance of Chicago.